Environmental groups side with FSC


The SFI vs. FSC forest certification debate continues, with news that many environmental groups have signed on in support of the Forest Stewardship Council’s (FSC) effort to cut the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) out of the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED standard.

According to a post at Treehugger, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and other groups signed a letter that says SFI engages in “greenwashing.”

Here is part of the letter:

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative, the Canadian Standards Association’s Sustainable Forest Management certification, and other industry-based forest certification programs engage in greenwash precisely because they certify as “sustainable” forest practices that are the most environmentally damaging allowed by law…

It’s unfortunate that these environmental groups have decided to wage war on an industry that is part of the lifeblood of the West and has provided jobs and livelihoods for several generations.  They appear to be similar to Peter Goldman and the Washington Forest Law Center, whose goal is clearly to decimate the entire forestry industry as we know it.

Fact is, these groups don’t want the U.S. Green Building Council to provide choices for its LEED certification. FSC has thrived on its monopoly with LEED standards for years, but if there was a fair market, it would suddenly have to compete. SFI and FSC are both worthy and independent choices for sustainable wood, and consumers and builders should get to decide.