Foresters Corner

Everyday is Earthday for working foresters

After a tree is harvested in a working forest, it is replanted – in fact 2 or 3 trees for every one harvested. In Washington, that is 52 million seedlings. Have you every wondered where those trees come from? Tree nurseries. check out the Webster nursery to learn more. 

Salmon Solutions

Forest landowners are doing their part for salmon recovery, but forestry is just one part of the salmon life cycle. All activities in a watershed that affects streams must do their part to protect riparian areas and remove fish passage barriers for fish to thrive.

Sustainable Forestry Dialogue

“I’ve dedicated most of my life to the natural resources. I’ve been a commercial fisherman, a tree farmer, I still own a small tree farm in SW Washington and I’ve had a cattle ranch in the past. I’ve also been a legislator who supported natural resources through the House Natural Resources committee, and now I’m Executive Director for the WFPA. Where my passion comes from for natural resources, is that I want to leave the state of Washington as well for my children and grandchildren as I found it.  The way of life that we’ve had here is critical to having a bright future for this state. Natural resources are an incredible asset for the state of Washington.  The forest products industry has been a large backbone industry since prior to statehood, and it will be a large industry for the state on into the future, for the foreseeable future, for perpetuity.”

Mark L. Doumit, 2008

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